One Of Good Stepfather いい思い出の継父
私は多くの継父がいたけれど実は辛い思い出が多い。梨のマーケティン グをやっていた彼が私の継父だった時はいい思い出がある。 でも母はそんな彼とも別れてしまったが...今日は1つのいい思い出を語ろう。 義父が私をベーカーズフィールドへの遠征に連れて行って、 楽しい時間を過ごしたことを思い出します。 継父にしては少し珍しい継父。( 継父母については割と多くの人が辛い思いでがあるはず)
I have many stepfathers actually I have a lot of hard memories. but I have a good memory when he was my stepfather who was marketing pear. unfortunately my mother broke up with him also...I have a few good experience with a stepfather of mine. One memory I will share with you. I have a fond memory of a stepfather taking me on a road trip to Bakersfield, California and having a great time. We stayed in a hotel together and ate at restaurants together. A little unusual for a stepfather.
I have many stepfathers actually I have a lot of hard memories. but I have a good memory when he was my stepfather who was marketing pear. unfortunately my mother broke up with him also...I have a few good experience with a stepfather of mine. One memory I will share with you. I have a fond memory of a stepfather taking me on a road trip to Bakersfield, California and having a great time. We stayed in a hotel together and ate at restaurants together. A little unusual for a stepfather.
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