Interesting People

I have not written in a long time and I think I better do so today. Of course you all know I am in Shikoku, Japan a very rural part of Shikoku. I never been one much for rural life I have lived in a city most of my life. This is an amazing experience. I have made many friends and have discovered how good people really can be. For so long I have doubted that there are many good people out there. I guess you can say I am not much of a people person. It appears that I am but really I am not. I have so much experience with people that say they are going to do something but they do not do anything at all. These people I like to call the NO DOERS there are so many of them in my life. Since coming here to Shikoku I have an experience of meeting many people who do things. They do not say I am going to do that or I want to do that. They say I will do that. So I have a new faith in there are people out there that are good and I can believe them.  Don't forget to follow my blog and you can find me here.

長い間書いてなかったけど、今日は書こう。もちろん、皆さんは私が四国の田舎にいることを知っています。私は人生でほぼ都市に住んでいる、田舎の生活はあまりありませんでした。これは素晴らしい経験です。私は多くの友人を作り、人々が本当にどれほど良い人であるかを発見しました。長い間、私はそこに多くの良い人がいることを疑ってきました。もしかしたら誰かは僕の事を君はあまり経験が無いからさ!というかもしれない。でも僕の周りのアメリカ人は有限不実行の人がほとんど。こういう人々を「NO DOERS」と呼ぶ。これらの人々は私の人生にほんとに多くいた。ここに四国に来てから、物事をする多くの人に会った。彼らは「私がそうするつもりだ」とか、「そうしたい」とは言わない。彼らは「私がそうするだろう」と言います。ですから私は、善良な人々がそこにいるという新しい自分の信念を持ち、彼らを信じることができる。


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