Ohenro-san And The Shikoku Pilgrimage

Since coming to Shikoku I have been having many interesting experiences. I have also been getting some education. I have learned that Shikoku has 88 sacred Buddhist temples and many monks will walk all 88 temples. On some days they will walk up to 18 miles in one day. This truly is an amazing journey I have learned the whole pilgrimage is 750 miles long. Here is the Wikipedia to provide more information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage You can find me here. https://www.facebook.com/aaron.pierson.73 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDBwAxFP1IVnKf_WCNj1kg?view_as=subscriber https://twitter.com/alohatc1 https://www.instagram.com/alohatc1/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-pierson-b298a8172/

四国に来てから、私は多くの興味深い経験をしています。 私もいくつか学びました。 四国には88の仏教寺院があり、多くの僧が88の寺院すべてを歩くことを知りました。 ある日には、彼らは1日で18マイルまで歩きます。 これは、巡礼全体の長さが750マイルであることを学んだ、本当に素晴らしい旅です。 詳細については、ウィキペディアをご覧くださいhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimageこちらをご覧ください。


  1. We call them Ohenro in Japanese who pilgrim 88 temples in Shikoku. Ohenro mean pilgrim just call henro same but honorific expression to show respect to other add inital O in Japanese. They are not only monk but also normal people who interest Budist so on.

    1. Yes Kazu I have discovered in my stay here either way it is an amazing adventure.Thank you Kazu for you comment.


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